MedStartr Venture Fund 3
In 2023 we will launch Our Growth Fund MVF III
We have begun the process of forming our next fund, planned to be $50-100M to scale the model and have already received positive indications from individuals, family offices as well as strategic corporate and institutional investors. We expect first closings for MVF III in Q1 2023.
Programs will be co-designed by Strategic Investors and the MedStartr to maximize engagement and find the best new ideas available for investment and acceleration. Events like the AC/VC Highway to hlth will be continued and expanded at major healthcare conferences, but not just in the US anymore, where we have done over 220 events in 35 cities, but around the world. We piloted this in Medellin, Colombia in September 2022 and it was pretty amazing, signing up mentors, partners, and some of the best startups we have seen this year!
All of our portfolio companies will run through our MedStartr Accelerator Program. This has been great and all our teams are not only still in business, on average in the first half of 2022 they grew by over 120% and have averaged over 78% growth per year (which included COVID-times. Without 2020 this average would have been over 135%.
What started out as a theory that Crowds and a lot of math could predict startup success better than a traditional VC model seems well-proven. With our first exit behind us (a partial exit of just 12x, but not bad for three years) and an IRR north of 75% so far, we are very pleased. Fund II was more of an Accelerator fund doing mostly Accelerator deals but also four Growth-stage deals as well in our first four years. We anticipate the majority of the MVF III allocation to be deployed in later-stage deals in companies that have accelerated well, minimizing dilution and leading later-stage deals for the best teams to come through the Accelerator.
*Note: Past performance is not a predictor of future success. All investing bears risk. This is not a solicitation to buy or sell securities. Please discuss any investments with your trusted investment advisor.
Fund Thesis:
Scaling MedStartr Crowd-Validation and Acceleration Model developed in our first two funds and applying capital to opportunities sourced from our market position and previous investments. Includes Acceleration services in pre-Series A investments to improve success rates.
The MedStartr Model
Our People
Our global community of over 130,000 Patients, Doctors, Nurses, Hospital Leaders, Investors and Industry Executives that drive innovation.
Our Process
Structured programs with our community source and select the best startups in contests that feed our predictive algorithm for startup success.
Our Performance
Early-Stage Startups selected by the MedStartr Algorithm have doubled in value every 10-13 months on average